WIP: Alenia Aermacchi/Embraer AMX A-1 1/48 Hobbyboss Parte Final

Olá pessoal! Hello mates!

Terminamos mais um modelo em 2020! O AMX da Hobbyboss ficou bem legal, embora o kit tenha algumas falhas bem visíveis, monta bem com relativa facilidade. Usei tintas da AK Interactive e AMMO by Mig. Tive o prazer de entregar o kit para o seu dono ante do Natal e espero que tenha sido um bom presente! 
We finished another model in 2020! The AMX from Hobbyboss was very cool, although the kit has some visible flaws, it assembles well with relative ease. I used paints from AK Interactive and AMMO by Mig. I had the pleasure of delivering the kit to its owner before Christmas and I hope it was a good gift!


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