WIP: Light Vehicles of WWII Academy 1/72 Parte 2
Olá pessoal!
Vamos em frente com as "mini viaturas" do kit da Academy. Os avanços da última semana foram a finalização da montagem e a pintura do Surface Primer AMMO by Mig.
Lets go ahead with the "mini cars" of the Academy kit. The advances of the last week were the finishing of the assembly and the painting job with Surface Primer from AMMO by Mig.
Depois partimos para a pintura, usando a cor Verde Oliva da AMMO para o Jeep e dois barris de combustível e os preparados de Acrilex (Sim, acrilex!) que eu havia misturado quando fiz os testes com essa tinta aqui para o blog.
Then we started painting, using AMMO's Olive Green color for the Jeep and two barrels of fuel and the Acrilex preparations (brazilian brand of artistic paints) that I had mixed when I tested this paint here for the blog.
A tinta preparada foi o Panzer Grey e o Dark Yellow que usei no Kettenkrad e no Kubelwaggen respectivamente.
The prepared paint was the Panzer Gray and the Dark Yellow that I used in Kettenkrad and Kubelwaggen respectively.
Now comes the coolest part, dirty all those "mini cars"!!!
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