AK-Interactive presents || ACRYLICS v3.0

AK Interactive promete uma revolução nas tintas acrílicas, maior cobertura, maior aderência, pronta para uso no aerógrafo e no pincel e sem entupir o aerógrafo. Tudo isso com novas embalagens, vamos aguardar para ver! Mais informações aqui: http://ak-masters.com/ak/AKNEWSJAN2020/PDF/AK%20ACRYLICS%202019%20DOSSIER%20DIG.pdf
AK Interactive promises a revolution in acrylic paints, greater coverage, greater adhesion, ready for use in the airbrush and brush and without airbrush clogging. All this with new packaging, let's wait and see! More about it here: http://ak-masters.com/ak/AKNEWSJAN2020/PDF/AK%20ACRYLICS%202019%20DOSSIER%20DIG.pdf


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