Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress em escala / In Scale
Olá amigos! Hello!
Quem acompanha o
blog já sabe que faz alguns anos que estou na árdua tarefa de terminar um
Boeing B-17F "Menphis Belle" na escala 1/72. Recentemente postei
alguns avanços nessa montagem, que ficou bastante tempo parada. Pois bem, esse
kit da Academy, que está me dando bastante dor de cabeça, foi lançando no ano
2000 e tenho ele faz uns 12 anos. Naquela época era um dos melhores kit na
escala que existia no mercado.
Acontece que o
tempo passa e surgem novos kits, muito melhores e mais detalhados. Então
pensei: Será que vale a pena partir para outro kit novo? Com interior já
detalhado e decais melhores? Será que continuo trabalhando nesse kit antigo sem detalhamento?
Anyone who follows the blog already knows that for some years I have been in the arduous task of finishing a 1/72 scale Boeing B-17F "Menphis Belle". I recently posted some advances in this build, which has been standing still for a long time. Well, this Academy kit, which is giving me a lot of headaches, was released in 2000 and I have had it for about 12 years. At that time it was one of the best kits on the scale that existed on the market.
It happens that time passes and new kits appear, much better and more detailed. Then I thought: Is it worth to go for another new kit? With already detailed interior and better decals? Do I keep working on this old kit without detailing?
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Kit Testors lançado em 1942. |
With that thought in mind I started looking for reviews and opinions on the best B-17 kits on the market. Soon the new Airfix and Revell came to mind, but looking on the internet I found a long list of kits that date back to the 1940s! We talk about plastic and wooden kits, like the one from Testors above.
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Kit original da Revell de 1962. |
Na era moderna do
plastimodelismo, desde anos 60 já existiam os kits da Fortaleza Voadora, com os
modelos lançados pela Revell (Modelo F) e Airfix (modelo G). Esses dois
kits tiveram longa vida na linha destes dois fabricantes, cerca de 40 anos! E
foram re-embalados e relançados por várias marcas (Revell Kikoler, Revell Japan, Heller, MPC etc.).
In the modern era of scale moddeling, since the 60s, the Flying Fortress kits already existed, with the models launched by Revell (Model F) and Airfix (model G). These two kits had a long life in the line of these two manufacturers, about 40 years! And they were reboxed and relaunched by several brands (Revell Kikoler, Revell Japan, Heller, MPC etc.).
A Frog lançou o seu B-17, do modelo E, em 1976. A versão E ainda não tinha sido lançada por nenhum fabricante e ficou representada pelo kit da Frog até os anos 90. Esse kit também foi muito reeditado por marcas do leste Europeu nos anos 90.
Frog launched its B-17, model E, in 1976. The E version had not yet been launched by any manufacturer and was represented by the Frog kit until the 90s. This kit was also heavily reissued by Eastern European brands In the 90's.
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Caixa do kit de 1976 da Hasegawa, modelos G e F. |
Nesse mesmo ano a
Hasegawa lançou as versões F e G da B-17 e esse kit ainda está em produção até
os dias de hoje. Existem diversas reedições desse kit, com diferentes opções de
decais. Ainda é considerado um dos melhores kits na escala 1/72, apesar de ter
poucos detalhes internos, ter linhas em alto relevo e o formato do para-brisa
do cockpit ser bem errado.
That same year Hasegawa launched the F and G versions of the B-17 and this kit is still in production to this day. There are several reissues of this kit, with different decal options. It is still considered one of the best kits in the 1/72 scale, despite having few internal details, raised panel lines and the cockpit windshield shape being quite wrong.
Em 1979 foi a vez da
Matchbox lançar o seu kit da versão G. O kit segue o padrão da marca, plástico
colorido, com linhas em baixo relevo meio grosseiro. O kit também não tem
detalhes do interior, o que era o padrão da época.
In 1979 it was Matchbox's turn to launch its G version kit. The kit follows the brand's pattern, colored plastic, with engraved coarse lines. The kit also has no interior details, which was the standard at the time.
No final dos anos
80 a Academy veio com tudo para derrubar os kits que eram oferecidos até então,
lançando versões inéditas da fortaleza, como a B,C e D. Esses continuam sendo
até hoje as únicas opções para quem quer montar essas versões iniciais da B-17.
At the end of the 80s, the Academy came up with everything to take down the kits that were offered until then, launching unpublished versions of the Fortress, such as B, C and D. These remain today the only options for those who want to assemble these initial versions of the Fortress.
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Caixa original do B-17F, mesmo kit que estou montado. |
Logo em seguida, no ano de 1994, a marca coreana lançou a versão E, F e G! Contando ainda com a versão do Coastal Command da RAF e a versão SAR SB-17G.
Soon after, in 1994, the Korean brand launched the E, F and G version! Also featuring the RAF Coastal Command and the SAR SB-17G version.
A Academy tem hoje a linhagem
completa das B-17, e ainda é considerado por muitos um dos melhores kits do
avião. Em termos de formas e medidas é relativamente correto, tem linhas em
baixo relevo fino, as transparências são boas e os encaixes são razoáveis. O
maior problema fica por conta do excesso de diedro nas asas, que é facilmente
resolvido, os decais “padrão Academy” e o interior espartano.
Academy today has the complete B-17 lineage, and it is still considered by many to be one of the best kits of the plane. In terms of shapes and measurements it is relatively correct, it has fine engraved lines, the transparencies are good and the fits are reasonable. The biggest problem is due to the excess dihedral in the wings, which is easily solved, the “Academy standard” decals and the simple interior.
Academy today has the complete B-17 lineage, and it is still considered by many to be one of the best kits of the plane. In terms of shapes and measurements it is relatively correct, it has fine engraved lines, the transparencies are good and the fits are reasonable. The biggest problem is due to the excess dihedral in the wings, which is easily solved, the “Academy standard” decals and the simple interior.
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O grande lançamento da Revell de 2010. |
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E a versão F com a pintura clássica do "Memphis Belle", única opção nova ao kit da Academy. |
Mas, pelos reviews existentes na
internet ainda temos alguns problemas: formatos das asas (muito espessas, saídas
de ar erradas), transparência do nariz muito espessa, canos das metralhadoras muito grossas para a escala. Muitos reclamam
bastante do formato do nariz do kit e embora seja um pouco estranho não acho
tão ruim assim. De qualquer maneira, o que kit tem um detalhamento do interior
excelente, motores bem detalhados, superfícies de controle móveis e ótimos
Almost 20 years later, Revell launched its new kits for the G and F models, with totally new molds! The two kits were a sensation in 2010 (model G) and 2012 (model F), and we expected it to be the definitive kit for the model.
But, due to the reviews on the internet, we still have some problems: wing shapes (very thick, wrong air vents), very thick nose transparency, machine gun barrels too thick for the scale. Many modellers complain a lot about the nose shape of the kit and although it is a little strange I don't think it's that bad. Either way, the kit has excellent interior detailing, very detailed engines, movable control surfaces and great decals.
Almost 20 years later, Revell launched its new kits for the G and F models, with totally new molds! The two kits were a sensation in 2010 (model G) and 2012 (model F), and we expected it to be the definitive kit for the model.
But, due to the reviews on the internet, we still have some problems: wing shapes (very thick, wrong air vents), very thick nose transparency, machine gun barrels too thick for the scale. Many modellers complain a lot about the nose shape of the kit and although it is a little strange I don't think it's that bad. Either way, the kit has excellent interior detailing, very detailed engines, movable control surfaces and great decals.
Em 2016 foi a vez da Airfix lançar seu novo molde para o B-17 na versão G e logo depois lançou a versão da RAF Fortress Mk.III. Os reviews do kit são bons, seguindo a linhagem de bons moldes da nova fase do fabricante. Com linhas de painel mais finas, muitos detalhes do
interior, a maioria dos quais não será vista, mas mesmo assim chama a atenção para os detalhes das baias dos trens de pouso, torre inferior e superfícies de controle móveis. Os decais também são muito bons.
In 2016 it was Airfix's turn to present its new mold for the B-17 in the G version and shortly thereafter it launched the RAF Fortress Mk.III version. The kit reviews are good, following the lineage of good molds from the new phase of the manufacturer. With thinner panel lines, many details of the interior, most of which will not be seen, but still draws attention for details on landing gear bays, lower turret and mobile control surfaces. The decals are also very good.
In 2016 it was Airfix's turn to present its new mold for the B-17 in the G version and shortly thereafter it launched the RAF Fortress Mk.III version. The kit reviews are good, following the lineage of good molds from the new phase of the manufacturer. With thinner panel lines, many details of the interior, most of which will not be seen, but still draws attention for details on landing gear bays, lower turret and mobile control surfaces. The decals are also very good.
Os "contras" deste kit são devidos aos tubos de metralhadora muito grandes, apenas 4 bombas para o "compartimento de bombas" e as instruções de montagem um pouco complicadas.
The cons of this kit are due to the machine gun barrels that are too thick, only 4 bombs for the "bomb bay" and the complicated assembly instructions.
To conclude, I decided to keep building my Academy and finish it. But, in the future I intend to build another Flying Fortress and if I had to buy a kit today, either of the two new Revell or Airfix would be a good purchase. What I can say about both kits is that the Revell has finer interior and fuselage details (lines and rivets) to suit the scale. The problem is due to the kit shape problems. Arfix, on the other hand, is very detailed, a more complex kit, with more correct formats, but the details seem to be a bit more coarse.
De qualquer maneira você pode ver os links abaixo e tirar suas dúvidas e ter sua própria opinião:
Anyway you can see the links below and answer your questions and have your own opinion:[]=Kits&q=Boeing+B-17+Flying+Fortress&fkTYPENAME[]=%22Full%20kits%22&fkSCALE[]=%221:72%22
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