WIP: Vought F4U-1D Corsair 1/72 Tamiya Parte 2

Vamos seguindo com esse kit maravilhoso da Tamiya! Depois de terminar a pintura, passamos para a aplicação do verniz brilhante (Tamiya X-22) e o processo de wash e weathering.
Let's go with this wonderful kit from Tamiya! After finishing the painting, we move on to the application of the glossy varnish (Tamiya X-22) and the wash and weathering process.

Para o wash usei os "Panels Liners" preto e cinza médio da AMMO by Mig. 
For the wash I used the black and medium gray "Panel Liners" by AMMO by Mig.

Alguns detalhes com o "Fresh Engine Oil" da AMMO by Mig e os detalhes da exaustão dos gases do motor com tinta óleo branca e cinza.
Some details with "Fresh Engine Oil" by AMMO by Mig and details of the engine exhaust with white and gray oil paint.

Para finalizar, aplicamos os decais, também da Montex, que são bem bons e os demais detalhes das peças que faltavam. Para proteger o trabalho usei um verniz fosco da AMMO by Mig.
To finish, the decals were applied, also from Montex, which are very good and the other details of the missing pieces. To protect the work I used a matte varnish from AMMO by Mig.


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