WIP: Diorama deserto 1/72 - Parte 1
Olá Amigos! Dear friends!
Vamos iniciar mais uma base para diorama! E desta vez o tema é deserto, como as fotos que estão ilustrando o post. Ou seja, muito areia e pedras, algumas folhagens rasteiras e palmeiras! Minha inspiração são regiões da Tunísia, onde o deserto se mistura com áreas verdes de oásis e lagos.
Let's start another base for a diorama! And this time the theme is desert like the pictures show. So, a lot of sand and rocks, some foliage and palm trees! My inspiration are regions of Tunisia, where the desert blends with green areas of oasis and lakes.
My idea is to produce a new base, to replace one that I did long ago for the P-40E abandoned in the desert (http://looseplasti.blogspot.com/2019/03/reformando-sucatas-scrap-kits.html). As I need space, I decided to make a base with a smaller area, but higher.
O material básico é uma pequena caixa de MDF de 16x16cm, fita para mascaramento, massa acrílica para fazer a base do terreno, areia, pedras e tinta acrílica.
The basic material is a small box made of MDF of 16x16cm, tape for masking, acrylic putty to make the base, sand, rocks and acrylic paint.
The tape is used to protect the wood and to limit the area that we will fill of putty. In this case the putty was used for small reliefs and place the kit. I usually use PVC plastic film to protect the kit from wet putty.
A layer of acrylic paint over the putty to prepare the base for the sand and mini rocks.
The sand, very fine was applied using PVA glue, as well as small stones placed on the ground. Darker color paint was added over the sand.
Depois do tempo de cura da cola, cerca de 24hs, passamos para a parte de pintura e efeitos usando diferentes tons da cor areia, hora mais claro nos pontos elevados e mais escuro nas depressões. Um drybrush com o tom bem claro foi aplicado sobre as rochas.
After the curing time of the glue, about 24hs, we move to the paint effects using different shades of sand color, lighter at the high points and darker in the depressions. A drybrush with the very light tone was applied on the rocks.
Para finalizar essa parte, adicionamos alguns arbustos e capim seco. Como estamos tentando retratar uma região semi-árida esse tipo de vegetação dá mais vida e realidade para o diorama.
To finish this part we added some bushes and dry grass. As we are trying to portray a semi dry region this type of vegetation gives more life and reality to the diorama.
Now, it is time to make the desert palm, which should be the coolest challenge of this diorama. And let's do it using only paper and electric wire! Stay tooned!
Quwria perguntar:
Areia comum, fina e peneirada.